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Why HR Should Be Leading the Way in Social Leadership

I had a big "ah-ha" recently that compels me to write this post. I'll start with the light bulb thought. HR professionals have substantial opportunities to generate enhanced value, that can significantly impact their careers and companies in ways they may not be aware. Ok, that may not sound very profound and some reading may say, "Yeah, yeah we already know that." But it became an important "ah-ha" after experiencing a series of recent events that punched up this point. (By the way this is an example of the process and result of creative thinking). Event #1: Earlier this year, I was interviewed by Ben Slater of Beamery on the topic of recruiting as marketing - Recruitment Marketing: Important or Illusion? The Complete Expert Review . Seeing some human resource activities as marketing activities is a useful and evolving trend. Approaching it that way, I believe is very helpful in achieving better results. Key thought: HR profes

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